Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dress Up.....

Daddy went to over to a friends house to play tonight. So after Maddie's bath I decided to play dress up! She got the cutest birthday dress from her gramma... (my mom) and a new birthday hat - thanks to Aunt Sandy and new shoes from Mom! Much to her dismay I put all of it on her... The dress is a little big- But I can't wait for her to wear it on her first b-day. So these are the warm-up photos for her big day. You will see them all again on May 20th. I can't believe my little munchkin is going to be one in a little over 2 months. Everyone told me it goes by so fast and I didn't really get it till now... It has been the fastest 10 months ever... So much has happened and I have to admit I'm a little sad the first year is almost over.... and my little baby is getting so grown up.


Darci Wilson said...

SO CUTE!! She is going to be the cutest 1 year old girl ever in that dress! Your mom has always had such good taste. Tell her I say hello!

Gina, Kevin and Lucas Samuel said...

SOOOOO CUTE!!! I just love that hat! You girls must have had a fun time together.

The Gil's said...

OMGoodness! These are the most ridiculously adorable photos EVA! Maddy Sue is way to cute!